Public international law advisory

While not always immediately apparent, clients’ problems often engage sources of public international law. Indeed, clients’ problems often can be resolved by using public international law, in particular during the resolution of disputes.

We also regularly advise States and their organs, international organisations, and individuals on the international legal consequences of their acts. In addition, we provide expert opinions for use in domestic and international litigation involving the interpretation and application of public international law. This includes general international law, but also all its subfields, from international investment law over sovereign debt to international human rights law.

Examples of our work include:

  • advice to a member of government on immunities following an international arrest warrant;
  • advice to a State on the legal ramifications of banks de-risking within its jurisdiction and possible solutions on the basis of public international law;
  • advice to an individual on the process of accreditation to the International Maritime Organization;
  • advice on how to obtain sui generis cooperation with an international organisation on the basis of the organisation’s internal rules and procedures, whilst remaining cognisant of the delicate political context;
  • an expert opinion on the ‘best interest’ assessment under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; and
  • an expert opinion on the content of requests for mutual legal assistance on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the United States of America regarding mutual cooperation in the tracing, freezing, seizure and forfeiture of proceeds and instrumentalities of crime and the sharing of forfeited assets.​