Dr Rutsel Martha becomes a member of the Dutch Advisory Committee on Public International Law

Dr Rutsel Martha becomes a member of the Dutch Advisory Committee on Public International Law

At the proposal of Minister Hoekstra of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has agreed to appoint Dr Rutsel Silvestre J. Martha as a member of the Advisory Committee on Public International Law (CAVV).

The CAVV is an independent advisory body that provides solicited and unsolicited advice to the Government and the Senate and House of Representatives on issues of international law. The CAVV deals with legal issues in which the interpretation of international law and the desired development of this law are central. Membership of the CAVV requires a very broad, in-depth, and up-to-date knowledge of, and extensive experience with, public international law, at the level of professor of public international law or comparable.

The members of the CAVV are appointed by Royal Decree at the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the recommendation of the Dutch national group of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Dr Martha’s appointment takes effect on 1 February 2023 and will be for a period of four years.

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